Social skills are a critical part of a child’s development. Without them, your child could feel left out and have difficulty making and keeping friends. At Handprint Therapies, we understand that neurodivergent individuals may not participate in their community the same way as their neurotypical peers Our mission is to provide our learners with the tools to be as independent as possible, develop meaningful relationships if they choose, and make their own choices that are safe and socially significant. This is where our Social Skills and Life Skills Programs shine.

What is ABA Therapy?

ABA Therapy is a scientifically proven approach to aiding children in their behavioral development to improve their quality of life. Board-certified behavior analysts work with you to first identify the social challenges your child is facing. From there, they design a customized behavior training program using research-based behavior analysis practices to provide learners with the tools to understand those around them, communicate effectively, and lead more fulfilling lives. While social skills are generally targeted in all of our ABA programs from the start, the degree of focus will vary depending on your child’s age and ability.

Improving Social Skills Through ABA Therapy

Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language, and our personal appearance. All the skill development goals and activities during your child’s ABA therapy sessions are designed to meet their individual development, social, and functional living needs. Here are a few examples of the social skills our Denver ABA programs can aid your child with:

  • Communicating
  • Listening
  • Sharing
  • Following Directions
  • Collaborating & Cooperation
  • Patience
  • Respecting Boundaries
  • Playing

Great news regarding our ABA Services

Handprints Therapies has received a 3-Year Accreditation with BHCOE. This is the highest level of accreditation an agency can receive. We are so proud of this accomplishment.

BHCOE is the international accreditation body for autism and applied behavior therapy (ABA). Through its advances in measurement science and performance-based standards, it is improving ABA care for patients.

For More Information
Enroll Your Child In ABA Therapy Today

Handprint’s ABA Social Skills Training

The goal of the Handprints team when teaching social skills is not meant to force a neurodivergent individual to behave more like neurotypical peers; instead, our programs teach social skills that focus on helping your child navigate neurotypical settings and getting along with other neurodivergent individuals. Social skills training ABA targets the skills your child needs to access their preferred environment, regardless of if that is in big groups with lots of friends and activities or with a single like-minded friend with the same interests. Whether on a one-on-one basis or in a social skills group session, our team uses Applied Behavior Therapy (ABA) to break down complex social skills into smaller parts that build on each other until the complex skill is attained.

Social Skills Group ABA

Many of our learners experience isolation in school or other social environments, so Handprint Therapies’ social group program focuses on building a sense of community. Our social groups are a place where they can just be themselves and feel welcome. We also match kids based on age, ability, and interest to give your child the best setting for interacting with their peers. Once assigned to a social group, their BCBA then develops a curriculum designed to meet the specific needs and interests of their unique group.
Meeting 2-3 days a week for 2 hours at a time, group leaders teach small components of specific social skills through instruction and modeling. The group then practices together through games and other activities all while their group leader provides coaching and feedback.

1:1 ABA Therapy for Social Skills

Not all of our learners are ready for a social skills group ABA session, and that’s completely ok. Our team is still able to work with your child on their unique social challenges in a one-on-one environment. Similar to our social skills group ABA programs, your child’s BCBA will develop a curriculum using scientifically-based behavioral learning to specifically address their specific social needs and interests.

Ready to Improve Your Child’s Social Skills?

At Handprints, our board-certified behavior analysts recognize that each child faces distinctive social challenges. We aren’t here to change anybody. Our social skills ABA program is designed to provide our learners with the tools to understand those around them, communicate effectively, and lead a fulfilling life, whatever that may be for the individual. That’s why our Colorado-based team works with each of our learners to create an individualized ABA therapy treatment plan that can be completed in a group or one-on-one setting. Contact our team for more information on how we can help your child better succeed!