Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, is the applied science of changing socially significant behaviors. Its child-centered approach aims at improving the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.

At Handprints Therapies, we specialize in Early Intervention. Our pediatric therapists work to create an individualized treatment plan that will best benefit your child’s development and support you as the parent as well.

Research has shown that those who participate in early intervention ABA therapy have a higher likelihood of building pivotal developmental skills, such as communication, language, and social skills. Our ABA therapy programs are scientifically structured by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) to create an environment that helps your child grow!

Children doing ABA therapy teamwork.

How is ABA different from Behavioral Therapy and Play Therapy?

The term “Behavior Therapy” is commonly used as an umbrella term for the many styles of teaching. While sometimes used interchangeably with ABA, behavior therapy includes Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( CBT). These therapies are a form of psychological treatments that address psychological problems including: mental illnesses, depression or anxiety disorders.

Play Therapy is a form of counseling in which play is used as a means of helping children to express their feelings and resolve psychosocial difficulties.

ABA, on the other hand, focuses on teaching and developing skills for behaviors that can be seen and measured. It is scientifically proven as the #1 therapeutic intervention for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The methods of ABA have been researched for decades and focus on skill acquisition. Unlike other types of therapies, ABA is research based, supported by evidence and data-driven. ABA has helped many children and individuals gain skills that are useful in everyday life. This is why ABA is coined as the ‘Golden Standard’ for autism intervention. At Handprints Therapies, our ABA therapists foster a natural environment that is engaging for your child, and led through play, which encourages an optimal learning experience.

The Seven Dimensions of ABA

Effective ABA programs operate under the Seven Dimensions of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The dimensions of ABA were created in order to help professionals and clients have a criteria of excellence when it comes to ABA treatment, and they are the foundation upon which quality ABA programs are built.

  1. Generality: Interventions should address behaviors that occur in new situations, with new people, and/or in new places.
  2. Effective: Interventions should improve the behaviors being addressed to a practical degree, in a reasonable amount of time.
  3. Technological: Interventions should be described in detail and be able to be replicated, like a recipe.
  4. Applied: Interventions should be socially significant; of importance to the individual.
  5. Conceptually Systematic: Interventions should be research-driven.
  6. Analytic: Interventions should use data-based decision making; using data to make informed decisions on programming.
  7. Behavioral: Interventions should focus on behaviors that are observable and measurable.

When ABA is applied appropriately, it will ensure that generalization occurs across settings. This means that any new skills and/or replacement behaviors that are learned in one environment (such as a clinic setting) will transfer to another environment (such as home or school).

How to Choose an ABA Provider

Choosing a pediatric therapist for your child is a big decision, and finding the right fit will play a big role in how affective ABA is for your child. When choosing an ABA provider, keep in mind that the quality of ABA depends on the person administering it. Levels of training, experience, consistency and a child-centered approach, are all important factors to keep in mind.

At Handprints Therapies, our ABA program is facilitated by a team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) who will provide care and oversee your child’s therapy program. After conducting an initial assessment, our experienced BCBAs will create an individualized treatment plan for your child and continuously monitor the effectiveness of the interventions being implemented, and make adjustments as needed.

As a parent, you should know who is working with your child on a weekly basis. At Handprints we make sure there is full transparency so you know what skills your child and their therapists are working on, as well as how they are being taught. We share Behavior Intervention Plans with parents so you stay informed about the strategies being used throughout your child’s session.

When choosing an ABA provider, know that you always have the right to watch or view the interventions being used with your child, and should be trained on how to implement them at home. At the end of the day, you know your child best and what’s best for them. Trust your gut!

Interested in ABA for your child? Contact our therapists!