Using the toilet is an important life skill for independent living, boosting self-confidence, enhancing the quality of life, and integrating into educational and social environments. Children with Autism have unique challenges that can make potty training all the more daunting for parents and caregivers. For this reason, traditional approaches to toilet training may not always be effective. This is where Handprint Therapies’ applied behavioral analysis (ABA) programs come in. Our BCBAs teach potty training using scientifically-proven, data-driven strategies tailored to each child based on their unique needs and skills. These highly trained professionals then use a multidisciplinary approach collaborating with you and their medical specialists to give your child the tools they need to feel comfortable using the bathroom.

What is ABA Potty Training?

ABA for toilet training helps when general toilet training strategies have failed. Or if your child is not meeting milestones, or received an ASD diagnosis, there may be additional barriers that are preventing successful toilet training. Handprint Therapies’ board-certified behavior analysts (BCBA) use a variety of scientifically proven behavioral development strategies to teach your child how to comfortably use the toilet. Since there are a variety of techniques, our trained BCBAs will identify which methods will be the most appropriate and effective for your child based on what skills they already have, then tailor a specific training program to their unique challenges. This program is also designed to work in conjunction with our comprehensive full-day or half-day ABA programs that teach all the other necessary skills for your child to be successfully potty trained and lead more fulfilling lives.

Great news regarding our ABA Services

Handprints Therapies has received a 3-Year Accreditation with BHCOE. This is the highest level of accreditation an agency can receive. We are so proud of this accomplishment.

BHCOE is the international accreditation body for autism and applied behavior therapy (ABA). Through its advances in measurement science and performance-based standards, it is improving ABA care for patients.

For More Information
Enroll Your Child In ABA Therapy Today

Who Can ABA Potty Training Help?

Many children with ASD and other challenges learn to use the toilet at a later age than other children. Possible reasons include:

  • Sensory Overload
  • Physical Limitations & Limited Motor Skills
  • Language Delays
  • Barriers to Independently Dressing and Undressing
  • Body Cues & Body Awareness Issue
  • Fears
  • Need for Sameness
  • Restricted And Repetitive Behaviors
  • Gastrointestinal Problems & Constipation

Whatever the reason, the team at Handprint Therapies is here to help your child overcome this challenge and feel more comfortable using the bathroom.

Handprint Therapies’ Toilet Training ABA Program

Initial Assessment

At Handprint Therapies, every potty training plan/session is uniquely tailored to each kid. Instead of just using a bunch of general strategies, we begin our ABA potty training by first completing a full analysis to understand each unique issue your child is facing. We will first rule out any medical issues then start gathering data and analyzing the skill deficits, function of behaviors, and motivation of your child to figure out what all of the barriers are to their potty training.

Customized ABA Potty Training Therapy

Using our BCBA’s initial assessment, we will use this data to fine-tune your child’s ABA toilet training program. The data will indicate when accidents or wet and dirty diapers are more likely to occur during certain times such as after liquids and meals and/or during certain times of the day. We can then develop a toileting schedule around the times that the child is most likely to void/bm and help them establish a routine and learn the necessary skills.
In conjunction with their full-day or half-day sessions, your child’s toilet training ABA program can help them develop all the necessary skills to effectively use the potty including

  • Functional Communication & Language Skills
  • Following Instructions
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Imitation

Ready To Help Your Child?

At Handprints, our board-certified behavior analysts recognize that each child faces distinctive challenges in learning how to use the bathroom. Our ABA toilet training programs are designed to provide our learners with the specific tools to address their unique challenges. Contact our team for more information on how we can help your child better succeed!