What is SPOT Therapy?

Our “SPOT” therapy team consists of Speech, Physical, and Occupational therapists. At Handprints Therapies, we have an outstanding and dynamic SPOT team that provides therapy to children of all ages. We focus on creating therapy programs that are collaborative, professional, and interdisciplinary, and always take a fun approach to therapy.

Our SPOT therapy programs are available for children who need just speech therapy, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, as well as children who need a combination of these services. Children enrolled in our ABA and behavioral therapy program can also receive SPOT treatment.

What Does a SPOT Evaluation Look Like?

When evaluating your child for SPOT therapy, our therapists schedule a 1-hour session and utilize both formal and informal assessments to determine a plan of care specific to each child. We utilize playfulness and fun to help your child connect with their therapist, feel safe, and develop the confidence to try new and challenging tasks.
While the SPOT evaluation is a great opportunity for our therapists to begin to develop rapport with your child, we also rely on feedback from you. Caregiver input is essential to successful therapy, and therefore we require your presence at the initial evaluation. You know your child better than anyone, and this is a time for you to share important details about them. Some information to share with your child’s therapist could include their:

  • Strengths
  • Interests
  • Favorite activities
  • Primary concerns
  • Birth history
  • Medications
  • Allergies
  • Vision or hearing concerns
  • Health issues
  • Primary mode of communication

Having caregivers present can also be very helpful with facilitating the feeling of safety and the development of rapport between your child and their therapist. Each child will develop rapport at a different rate, and your therapist will help determine if/when it is an appropriate time for caregivers to sit in our waiting room. We always encourage you to join the last 10 minutes of each therapy session. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn important techniques and strategies from your therapists and have the opportunity to ask questions, share successes, and continue to help your child thrive!

What Does a SPOT Therapy Session Look Like?

At Handprints, therapy sessions across all disciplines are individualized and based upon your child’s needs and age. Sessions can look like play, but every activity addresses your child’s therapy needs and goals. Throughout any session, you may see fine and gross motor play, dress-up, self-care and feeding activities, social interaction, sensory play, and many more methods.

How is a SPOT Treatment Plan Developed?

Following your child’s initial evaluation, their therapist will review their findings as well as caregiver feedback to determine the primary areas of concern. Based on these findings, the evaluating therapist will then develop a treatment plan.

SPOT treatment plans consist of a detailed proposal that outlines the anticipated treatment approach, goals, and methods to be employed during therapy sessions. The treatment plan also includes appropriate discharge recommendations and referrals to other health professionals as needed.

Can My Child Receive More Than One Service?

Absolutely! The decision to provide additional therapies for your child can occur at various points of the referral process. Many times, Handprints will receive a referral for recommended therapies directly from your child’s physician. Other times, a Handprints therapist may identify a need for additional therapy service. This cross-referral process is efficient, collaborative, and effective and is a unique benefit to receiving services in a center that provides multiple disciplines.

How Long Will My Child Need SPOT Therapy?

Age, needs, and ongoing support from families and caretakers are all factors in how quickly you will see your individual child’s skills improve. One of the largest factors that can impact success in therapy is carry-over of techniques and strategies into the home. While progress may take time, “homework” with your child to ensure consistency is essential to this progress.

One benefit of our cohesive therapeutic environment is that your SPOT therapy team communicates with other disciplines on an ongoing basis. If your child is also receiving additional SPOT services and/or behavioral therapy from our ABA team, there will be ongoing communication between disciplines and improvements can be exponential due to the opportunity for therapy carryover throughout your child’s day.

Interested in enrolling your child in SPOT therapy programs? Contact our therapists!